Are you uncertain what the next few weeks will bring to your investments? Most are. A very contentious election tomorrow combined with increasing Covid numbers across the country are unsettling. Yet the markets have come on strong since earlier this year, and no one likes to miss out. ValuEngine Capital Management (VECM) has begun to shift clients towards conservative portfolios until after the election. The profile of the conservative approach they employ leads to roughly half the risk of the overall markets or better. VECM uses the ValuEngine models to create and trade various portfolios with different risk profiles. The conservative portfolio currently has holdings such as:
- Utility ETF
- Utility stocks: such as ticker AWK
- Health care ETF
- General real estate ETF (smaller position)
- Blue chip, large cap stocks that pay dividends (AT&T for example)
- Bond funds (AGG for a general bond fund, smaller position in HYG for high yield bonds)
Setting up a list of holdings such as the above allows for positive returns if markets do well, although it will likely not match total returns of the major indexes. But it also reduces negative returns if markets fall. It is a way to stay in markets during turbulent times. VECM doesn’t put all client funds in this type of conservative portfolio, but a portion of each client’s funds based on each individual risk profile. It can be anywhere from very little up to the majority of a client’s funds.
We have included the ValuEngine report on ticker SPY which tracks the S&P 500 index below for today’s free report in the hopes it can offer some general market guidance.
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