Making Sense of ESG ETFs and Impact ETFs 12/14/2020

By Herbert Blank There are more than 100 US-listed ETFs categorized by Morningstar and others under ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).  All have an element of attempting to align investments with personally held social values. Under the hood, there are huge differences between many and subtle huge differences between others. Its a big subject, to … Read more

Low Volatility ETFs 11/13/2020

By Herbert Blank Welcome Herb to ValuEngine! Please see below for the first of many articles/blogs by Herb Blank. There are more than a dozen US ETFs with “Low Volatility” in their names.  It made a difference this year as many Low Vol ETFs struggled to keep up with during this year’s “downturn” when one would … Read more

ValuEngine Weekly Update 10/16/2020

For a change of pace, today we will talk about an ETF. Yes, that is right, now covers over 500 ETF’s with the same award winning quantitative research process. Our ETF research involves using our stock research process, and applying it to each holding in the ETFs under coverage. We basically treat the ETF … Read more