Mid-Year Market Forecasts

The ETF reports on ValuEngine for funds that follow market benchmarks provide a side benefit in writing market analyses.  They allow me to discuss the implicit forecast for 1-, 3-, 6- and 12-month forecasts our models are making for each benchmark’s ETF portfolio.  This is because the ratings and projections combine bottom-up constituent analysis with … Read more

Drill, Baby, Drill? Oil ETFs

For each blog article, I scan through relevant groups of ETFs that relate to possible investment strategies.  Three ETFs from iShares by BlackRock stood out to me this week: IEO, IEZ, IYE.  All have ValuEngine’s strongest rating of 5 checks and all have fared very well in price performance during the past 6 months since … Read more

Evaluating a Hot Hedge Fund Strategy ETF

Lately, ValuEngine has seen ticker GVIP (Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VIP ETF) on several ETF strategists’ buy lists.  The fund’s strategy is intended to take advantage of the highest conviction holdings of “VIP Hedge Fund Managers.” Specifically, GVIP seeks to track the GS Hedge Fund VIP Index, which is constructed in accordance with a rules-based … Read more

03/08/2021 What’s in Your Core?

By Herb Blank If you are an investor with less than $1 billion to invest and a holding horizon of more than 3 months, do NOT buy SPY to access exposure to the S&P 500.  This is true even though SPY has the most assets under management and the highest average trading volume by far. The simple … Read more