ETFs for Gender-Lens Investing

Last Tuesday was International Women’s Day.  For the eighth straight year Women in ETFs, the standard bearer for promoting gender bias reform in the ETF industry, held bell-ringings and special programs around the world to commemorate the occasion.  There have been a number of research studies demonstrating examples that having female representation in the C-Suite, … Read more

ETFs combining Wealth Preservation and Equity Participation Objectives

Two months ago, I noted that ValuEngine models were predicting a down market for 2022 and wrote a column on redeployment of core assets for investors with short-to-medium equity time horizons.  The question for investors concerned with a downturn is what to do and if reallocation from assets committed to core equity is required, how … Read more

Time for Impact Investors and Contrarians to Unite Behind Clean Energy ETFs

The trend is your friend.  That is, until it isn’t.   The list of best performing non-leveraged ETFs for the past 90-days is led almost exclusively by ETFs that hold the stocks of fossil-fuel-based energy and closely related companies.  At the same time, the prices of ESG and more climate-focused impact ETFs have plunged dramatically.  With … Read more

Is It Time for Actively Managed Value ETFs?

There is no sugarcoating it.  January was a lousy month for the market.  Many pundits are certain that this is the beginning of a yearlong downturn. Other experts are calling this a dip and a buying opportunity.  Our models at ValuEngine are mixed with a six-month forecast on S&P 500 ETFs of +2.6% but a … Read more

Indexed Bond ETFs to Gain Assets and Liquidity

Lost in all the market volatility and concerns about interest rate hikes and inflation was a regulatory ruling with major implications for asset capture in the ETF industry. The New York State Department of Financial Services is the state’s insurance regulator.  In December it published a new regulation that, until Jan. 1, 2027, allows shares … Read more

ETFs for Redeploying Core Equity Allocations in 2022

Happy New Year!   My previous column focused on the ValuEngine forecast targets for 6 Benchmark Index ETFs.  To varying degrees, our models expect all of them to post negative price returns.  The question for investors concerned with a downturn is what to do and, if reallocation from assets committed to core equity is required, how … Read more

2022 Market Forecasts: Sell in May and Go Away?

A common toast has been: “May 2022 be better than 2021!”  However, where the US Stock Market is concerned, most of us would gratefully accept a repeat of 2021’s returns.   The ETF reports on for funds that follow market benchmarks provide a side benefit in writing market analyses.  They are a window to implicit … Read more

Dividend-oriented ETFs

Income-oriented investors disgusted by the pitiful yields available in US fixed income securities during the past five years have turned increasingly to dividend ETFs. However, in the ETF world, dividend-oriented ETFs and ETFs constructed to pay owners the highest possible dividend yields aren’t necessarily the same thing. Today, we’ll compare 5 dividend-oriented ETFs with very … Read more

Active ETF Gurus vs. GURU Index ETF

This week’s featured ETF is GURU, Global X Guru Index based on a specific “smart money” hedge fund strategy. Guru’s site claims that the index engineered by Global X and provided by German customized index specialist Solactive AG allows everyday investors to access the high conviction investments among the largest, most sophisticated hedge funds in … Read more

Time to Flip the Switch from Energy to Utilities

This week’s blog focuses on a trade recommendation based upon many data elements found in ValuEngine reports combined with industry experience and knowledge. At the end-of-June blog, “Drill. Baby, Drill”, I focused on the 5 (Strong Buy) recommendation that the ValuEngine models had on the iShares US Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (ticker … Read more