Medical Miracles: Inside Biotech ETFs

The events of the past twelve months focused a lot of attention on amazing and life-altering developments made possible by the global biotech industry.  Although the major names we heard were Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, only the last was where the original research and patents that produced the CoVid-19 vaccines were developed.  … Read more

Inside Value ETFs

The market has been in a value phase the past 6 months which has been well documented by others.  The regime change was heartily welcomed by almost all managers of value funds, both active and passive. This is because the previous 13 years have been relentlessly difficult for value managers in terms of relative performance … Read more

Evaluating a Hot Hedge Fund Strategy ETF

Lately, ValuEngine has seen ticker GVIP (Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VIP ETF) on several ETF strategists’ buy lists.  The fund’s strategy is intended to take advantage of the highest conviction holdings of “VIP Hedge Fund Managers.” Specifically, GVIP seeks to track the GS Hedge Fund VIP Index, which is constructed in accordance with a rules-based … Read more

03/08/2021 What’s in Your Core?

By Herb Blank If you are an investor with less than $1 billion to invest and a holding horizon of more than 3 months, do NOT buy SPY to access exposure to the S&P 500.  This is true even though SPY has the most assets under management and the highest average trading volume by far. The simple … Read more

Inside Actively Managed Equity ETFs

By Herbert Blank Actively managed ETFs have evolved very differently from index-driven ETFs.  Most of the assets have been accumulated in actively managed fixed income ETFs while the vast preponderance of Assets Under Management in Equity ETFs are index driven. Although there are many legacy reasons for this, the fact is that the efficiencies of … Read more

Dividend ETFs, How to Decide Which is Best for You.

By Herbert Blank Dividend ETFs have seen major inflows in recent years.  At a time when most fixed income ETFs have historically low yields, that interest is easy to understand.  There are more than 100 US-listed ETFs categorized by Morningstar,, ETF Stream and others as Dividend ETFs.  Many of these use very different methodologies to satisfy … Read more

ValuEngine Stock Research Performance Update 2020

Happy Holidays to all from!  2020 has been a stunning year for ValuEngine regarding performance. It has of course been a tough year in all other respects, and we are all ready to leave 2020 behind for so many reasons.   However, at least we can offer some general performance numbers and be satisfied knowing … Read more

Making Sense of ESG ETFs and Impact ETFs 12/14/2020

By Herbert Blank There are more than 100 US-listed ETFs categorized by Morningstar and others under ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).  All have an element of attempting to align investments with personally held social values. Under the hood, there are huge differences between many and subtle huge differences between others. Its a big subject, to … Read more

Stong Markets This Week! ValuEngine stock recommendations 11/23/2020

5000 stocks and 500 ETFs updated on The stock market had a great week.  Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel for the virus with all sorts of positive vaccine news reaching the public this week.  The economy is not out of the woods yet, but any investment professional or informed individual … Read more

Low Volatility ETFs 11/13/2020

By Herbert Blank Welcome Herb to ValuEngine! Please see below for the first of many articles/blogs by Herb Blank. There are more than a dozen US ETFs with “Low Volatility” in their names.  It made a difference this year as many Low Vol ETFs struggled to keep up with during this year’s “downturn” when one would … Read more